Author: frank

Yarra Link Project – Spring Dinner Menu



Trio of Dips
Trio of house made dips with toasted bread. (v)


Melanzane Lasagna
Baked & grilled eggplant layered with basil, tomato and mozzarella, served with a rocket and parmesan salad (v) (gf)

GNH Burger
House ground waygu beef pattie, smoked bacon, tomato, cheese,
caramalised onion, greens, beetroot, egg, relish, aioli and side chips

Chicken Schnitzel
Herb crumbed chicken schnitzel with chips, salad and gravy

Veggie Burger
Veggie pattie with cheese, greens, tomato, relish, aioli and side chips (v)

Something to wet your whistle…?

Enjoy a glass of Red, White or pot of Beer or Soft Drink ☺

Thanks a bunch for your amazing support!

P.s. Don’t forget to take home your new packet of seeds!


RSVP for Dinner

Floods, a Way of Life

At the Yarra Link Project, we are planning some low impact utility structures.  The site has significant challenges regarding access for materials and the inevitability that at some stage it will be under about 5m of water (1:100 flood levels are 7.4m above average tide).


Flooded railway tracks with train passing under the bridge that crosses Chapel Street, near Arthur and Palermo Street.  25 January 1907.  Photo from the Stonnington History Centre’s online photo collection (Reg no. PH 491)

Chapel Street, 25 January 1907.
Stonnington History Centre’s online photo collection (Reg no. PH 491)

Flood Map 31 November 1934 by George Barlow

Flood Map 31 November 1934 by George Barlow (Reg no. MP 60081)

While such challenges seem unusual, it is estimated that 1/6 of the world’s population is prone to inundation by 1:100 yr flood events as humans disproportionately live in coastal and riverine environments.  With climate change and predicted sea level rise, these exposures will affect more people in the future.

Urban environments often have complex and expensive flood mitigation works.  In fact, the Yarra Link Project is located on a piece of land that was effectively created by excavation works to control flooding on the Yarra River.  Fighting nature tends to be a losing game, however.  Modern approaches to flood mitigation increasingly recognise that the best mitigation is reducing the damaging effects of flooding.

Some architects have taken this principle one step further by designing structures that float when flood waters rise.



Floating Bamboo Homes by H&P Architects



A prime focus of the Yarra Link Project is the development of technologies suited to conservation, we like to consider it as high tech combined with biological efficiency, Eco-tech.

In many cases, nature has already done the work for us, yet we often underestimate the sophistication of ecological solutions.


Eco-tech can be leveraged to a number of aims

  • land improvement – particularly soil quality and biodiversity
  • carbon negative end points
  • self-propagating and renewing systems
  • energy conversion into useful forms

For example, let’s compare two technologies to capture CO2 with solar energy:

  1. solar formic acid generator
  2. trees as carbon collectors

The engineered solution involves manufacturing, transporting and maintaining a CO2 sequestration infrastructure.  These processes all have their own, generally carbon emitting, costs.

If we consider the properties of an ideal carbon dioxide gathering technology, trees (a naturally engineered solution) have distinct advantages:

  • convert water and CO2 into complex carbohydrates, useful proteins and even medicines.
  • self propagating system without need to transport to site
  • can be “installed” in a variety of environments.
  • existing harvesting infrastructure
  • produce high quality building material (wood)

The theme of utilising, adapting and improving the functioning of such systems is a driving principle of how we do Eco-tech. We hope to apply this technology on site for management of energy, water, fuel and more complex endpoints including biodiversity, complex self-sustaining systems and human enjoyment (you might know such systems as… gardens).

Further reading:


The Yarra Link Project

Thank you for your interest in the project.

We are working on growing a creative space for the local community to explore indigenous plants and animals.

If you’re interested in being involved, please sign up for the mailing list or send us a comment.
